• Address
    10463 Owen Brown Road Columbia, Maryland 21044-3835
  • Phone Number 301-660-5654 Fax Number 443-288-4690


Basic Guidelines to Observe in Proper Wound Care


People are prone to having wounds every once in a while. This holds true for people of all ages. In reality, patients are at greater risk for them. It is evident among those who just underwent surgery. The post-operative phase is a critical stage. During this phase, it is crucial to enforce proper wound care procedures at all costs. Doing so helps prevent infections and other health complications. The significance of proper wound care management for them couldn’t be stressed enough.

Suffering from infections and their consequences is the last thing that any patient would want to happen. It wouldn’t only worsen their health, but it could also lead to bigger health problems in the long run. Therefore, they must protect themselves against it as much as possible. Some patients even hire professional wound treatment services in Maryland to safeguard themselves from wound infections.

Although patients can simply entrust the responsibility of wound care management to healthcare professionals, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they and their families can’t contribute to wound care treatment. They even have the capability to perform proper wound care in Columbia, Maryland, and other areas. All it takes is for them to observe these protocols:

  • Don’t leave the wound open.
  • Change the dressings regularly.
  • Look out for signs of infections.
  • Refrain from getting the wound wet.
  • Keep hands clean before applying wound care techniques.

Looking for reliable mobile wound care in Maryland? JAD WOUND CARE LLC is the name you can count on. Call us to learn more about the services that we offer.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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