• Address
    10463 Owen Brown Road Columbia, Maryland 21044-3835
  • Phone Number 301-660-5654 Fax Number 443-288-4690
two people smiling

Mobile Wound And Osteomy Care

Mobile Wound Clinics in Columbia, Maryland

Wound care services you can count on every time
woman nurse assisting senior woman

If you or your loved one needs wound care at home, we can help. With our mobile wound and ostomy care services, we can send you one of our health professionals to cater to your needs. They are experts in addressing various wound types and consider the cause and other information involving the wounds and how they are managed to promote recovery and healing. For those that are in need of ostomy care, we also have staff that can help you clean and observe the stoma as well as remove the old ostomy bag and attach a new one. They can also advise you on how to care for your ostomy and other details you need to remember for a better ostomy experience.

Do you have more questions for us? Let us answer them for you. You may send us a message or give us a call.